Replay Driver

The Replay Driver is a dynamically linked library which can be loaded by applications which want to record their behavior and upload those recordings for inspection using the Replay Protocol.

Replay Driver


In order to use the driver, the target application first loads the driver into memory via dlopen and use dlsym to look up the various methods described below. The target first calls RecordReplayAttach, and finishes the recording with RecordReplayFinishRecording . Between calls to these methods, the other methods below can be used to interact with the driver.

Attach the driver to the current process and begin recording its behavior. dispatch is the address of the protocol web socket server to upload the recording to (e.g. wss://, and buildId is a string that uniquely identifies the platform and version of the target that is running. This must be called very early in process startup, before other interaction with the underlying platform. dispatch may be null, in which case the recording will be saved to disk if RecordReplaySaveRecording is called.

Replay Driver docs