Test Runners

Test Suites Overview

Replay Test Suites bring time-traveling DevTools to your test runs. You’ll get a better insight into how your test script interacts with application under test. Besides zooming in on your test execution, you can zoom out to get a birds-eye view of your test executions and drive down test failures and flakes.

Test Steps Trace

Replay Devtools work great with your existing test suite. Cypress and Playwright plugins allow you to rewind or fast forward to any command from your test run.

The command details panel contains information on passed arguments, returned values and targeted element. Commands are integrated with the rest of DevTools. This means you can jump from a command detail into Elements panel, or inspect API calls in the Network panel.

Playwright panel

Jump To Code

See what actually happened when your test clicked, typed or in other way interacted with your website. Jump from a test command right into the function that was called on interaction.

With information on line hit counts and jumping through line executions you’ll be able to narrow down a flake root cause in minutes.

Jumping to code

Visualize Your Race Conditions

Flakiness can be a caused by a single line of code. Reveal that line with a print statement. Find race conditions, unexpected data, rendering issues - you name it.

We have stories of 2 pixel shifts and false positives that caused headaches to test maintainers. Learn more about the power of time-traveling console logs.

Race condition

Test Suite Analytics

Test Suite Dashboard helps you stay on top of your test suite health. Focus on your top failing, or most flaky tests. Get insights from your newest feature branch. Focus on most common errors.

Analytics give you actionable insights into your test runs and help you focus on the most important tests.

Test suite analytics

Debug CI Runs With Ease

What happens on CI no longer stays on CI. Replay Browser captures your test runs exactly as they happened and brings them to Replay DevTools where you can inspect them.

You can zoom out to take a look at your whole test run, or filter out those that are failing the most.

Continuous integration

Integrate With Any Framework

If test flakiness pushed you to consider switching to a new testing framework, be at ease. Replay is a browser based on Chromium that can be integrated to any test framework.

We have created an extra tooling around the most popular ones today - Cypress.io and Playwright.

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