Recording with Other CI Providers

To record tests and upload replays in other CI providers, you’ll need to complete the following steps in your workflow.

Install dependencies

@replayio/playwright must be installed in your CI environment before the tests execute.

If your workflow has an existing npm ci or yarn command to install project dependencies, then you are all set.

If not, you’ll need to add a step to install all project dependencies, or you can manually install just the Replay package directly with npm i @replayio/playwright .

Installing Replay Browsers

To install the Replay Browser in your workflow run:

npx replayio install

You might also have to run a step to install Chromium dependencies:

npx playwright install-deps chromium

Update test run command

Your existing test run command (for example, npx playwright test) must be updated to include the name of a Replay Browser and required environment variables to record.

You should make this update wherever your run command is defined, typically in package.json or directly in the workflow file.

Pass the following flags to your run command:

  • --project replay-chromium (or other project name that uses Replay browser)
  • --reporter=@replayio/playwright/reporter,line

For example, to use Replay Chromium, the command is:

npx playwright test --project replay-chromium --reporter=@replayio/playwright/reporter,line

If you don’t specify a project, all projects defined in your config will run.

Upload replays

Use the @replayio/replay CLI in your workflow to add source control metadata and upload replays to your team.

  1. Install the CLI
  2. Add metadata for all replays generated during the test run
  3. Upload replays with your API Key


npm i -g @replayio/replay
replay metadata --init --keys source --warn
replay upload-all --api-key <api key>

You can also set REPLAY_API_KEY as an environment variable instead of passing to the upload-all command. This allows you to store the API Key in your CI provider to keep it secure.

The Replay CLI provides other commands and options, such as filtering which replays are uploaded.

Full instructions at the @replayio/replay repo.