Replay Protocol
The Replay Protocol is useful for creating programmatic debugging sessions.

Replay Protocol
Authentication. The Authentication domain defines a command for authenticating the current user.
Console. The Console domain defines methods for accessing messages reported to the console.
CSS. The CSS domain is used to inspect the CSS state at particular execution points.
Debugger. The Debugger domain defines methods for accessing sources in the recording and navigating around the recording using breakpoints, stepping, and so forth.
DOM. The DOM domain is used to inspect the DOM at particular execution points.
Graphics. The Graphics domain defines methods for accessing a recording's graphics data.
Network. The Network domain is used to inspect the Network state at particular execution points.
Pause. The Pause domain is used to inspect the state of the program when it is paused at particular execution points.
Recording. The Recording domain defines methods for managing recordings.
Session. The Session domain defines methods for using recording sessions.
Target. The Target domain includes commands that are sent by the Record Replay Driver to the target application which it is attached to.
Internal. The Internal domain is for use in software that is used to create recordings and for internal/diagnostic use cases.
Protocol examples
import { createSession } from "./create-session";
import { RequestInfo, RequestEventInfo } from "@replayio/protocol";
function fetchNetworkResponseBody(recordingId: string) {
return createSession({ apiKey, recordingId }, async (client, { sessionId }) => {
const requests: RequestInfo[] = [];
const events: RequestEventInfo[] = [];
async function fetchRequests() {
client.addEventListener("Network.requests", resp => {
await client.sendCommand("Network.findRequests", {}, sessionId);
await fetchRequests();