Frequently asked questions

How do I get debug logs?

Debug focusCommand
Replay pluginDEBUG=replay:cypress:plugin
Replay BrowserDEBUG=cypress:launcher:browsers RECORD_REPLAY_VERBOSE=1
All logsDEBUG=cypress:launcher:browsers RECORD_REPLAY_VERBOSE=1

How do I group tests ran in a matrix or across multiple runners into the same test run?

By default, each invocation of Cypress is grouped into a test run by a UUID generated when the run begins. To group multiple invocations of Cypress into the same run, set RECORD_REPLAY_METADATA_TEST_RUN_ID to the same UUID value and that will be used instead of generating a UUID for each.

Below is an example which runs three test suites using a matrix in Github Actions but groups the results into the same test run in Replay:

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
testRunId: ${{ steps.testRunId.outputs.testRunId }}
- id: testRunId
run: echo testRunId=$(npx uuid) >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
needs: test-run-id
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
product: [frontend, backend, api]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 16
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Install Replay Chromium
run: npx replayio install
- name: Run
run: npm run test-${{ matrix.product }}
RECORD_REPLAY_METADATA_TEST_RUN_ID: ${{ needs.test-run-id.outputs.testRunId }}

What’s in the .replay folder?

/.replay/runtimes - this is where the replay browser is installed

/ - recorded replays are saved locally in the root folder

If you’re trying to cache the browser download, cache ~/.replay/runtimes or simply cache it before creating replays.

How do I confirm that the browser is installed correctly

Run ls -alR ~/.replay/runtimes to see the contents of the runtimes folder.

How do I troubleshoot recordings not being created?

To function properly @replayio/cypress listens for after:run events from Cypress. Cypress's on function doesn't support multiple listeners. If you have multiple plugins listening for this event this can prevent them from functioning properly. For that reason, we export wrapOn function that you can use like this in your setupNodeEvents:

export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(cyOn, config) {
const on = wrapOn(cyOn)
// ... rest of your plugins-related code

const on = wrapOn(cyOn)

What other environment variables can I configure?

RECORD_REPLAY_METADATA_TEST_RUN_TITLE - manually apply a test run title, instead of being inferred from the latest commit

RECORD_REPLAY_DIRECTORY - set a custom directory (default: ~/.replay)