Frequently asked questions

How do I get debug logs?

Debug focusCommand
Replay pluginDEBUG=replay:cypress:plugin
Replay BrowserDEBUG=cypress:launcher:browsers RECORD_REPLAY_VERBOSE=1
All logsDEBUG=cypress:launcher:browsers RECORD_REPLAY_VERBOSE=1

How do I group tests ran in a matrix or across multiple runners into the same test run?

By default, each invocation of Cypress is grouped into a test run by a UUID generated when the run begins. To group multiple invocations of Cypress into the same run, set RECORD_REPLAY_METADATA_TEST_RUN_ID to the same UUID value and that will be used instead of generating a UUID for each.

Below is an example which runs three test suites using a matrix in Github Actions but groups the results into the same test run in Replay:

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
testRunId: ${{ steps.testRunId.outputs.testRunId }}
- id: testRunId
run: echo testRunId=$(npx uuid) >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
needs: test-run-id
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
product: [frontend, backend, api]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: 16
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Run
run: npm run test-${{ matrix.product }}
RECORD_REPLAY_METADATA_TEST_RUN_ID: ${{ needs.test-run-id.outputs.testRunId }}

What’s in the .replay folder?

/.replay/runtimes - this is where the replay browser(s) are installed

/ - recorded replays are saved locally in the root folder

If you’re trying to cache the browser download, cache ~/.replay/runtimes or simply cache it before creating replays.

How do I confirm that the browsers are installed correctly

Run ls -alR ~/.replay/runtimes to see the contents of the runtimes folder.

What other environment variables can I configure?

REPLAY_SKIP_BROWSER_DOWNLOAD - keeps browsers from being downloaded and installed during npm install

RECORD_REPLAY_METADATA_TEST_RUN_TITLE - manually apply a test run title, instead of being inferred from the latest commit

RECORD_REPLAY_DIRECTORY - set a custom directory (default: ~/.replay)